artigo do blog Como Fazer a Massa de Pizza Perfeita em Casa


The dough is the heart of any pizza. A good dough can make all the difference between an ordinary pizza and an extraordinary one. The texture, flavour and crispness of the dough are essential elements that contribute to the overall experience of enjoying a pizza. A well-made dough serves as the perfect base for a variety of toppings, allowing the flavours to combine harmoniously.

A perfect pizza dough should be light and airy, with a crunchy crust on the outside and soft on the inside. This balance is achieved through the use of high-quality ingredients and proper preparation and fermentation techniques. When the dough is prepared correctly, it enhances the toppings and offers a delicious and satisfying dining experience.

Overview of what is required

Before you start making the perfect pizza dough at home, it's important to have a clear picture of the ingredients and equipment you need. Having everything prepared and at hand makes the process easier and helps ensure that the dough comes out perfect.

Essential Ingredients

Flour: The quality of the flour is crucial. Wheat flour type ‘00’ is the most recommended for pizzas due to its fine texture and high gluten content, which gives the dough elasticity.

Yeast: You can choose fresh or dried yeast. The yeast is responsible for making the dough rise and develop its airy texture.

Water: The temperature of the water is important. Warm water activates the yeast more effectively.

Salt and sugar: Salt enhances the flavour of the dough and controls fermentation, while sugar feeds the yeast and aids fermentation.

Oil: Olive oil adds flavour and helps create a crunchy crust.

Necessary Equipment

  1. Mixing Bowls: Large enough to mix and ferment the dough.
  2. Measuring Spoons and Scales: To measure the ingredients accurately.
  3. Mixer with Dough Hook: Optional, but useful for kneading the dough effortlessly.
  4. Kneading Surface: This could be a clean worktop or a silicone mat.
  5. Dough Roller: To roll out the dough evenly.
  6. Pizza Stone or Oven Tray: A pizza stone helps to cook the dough evenly and get a crispy crust.
  7. Pizza Shovel: To transfer the pizza in and out of the oven.
  8. Oven Thermometer: To ensure that the oven is at the correct temperature.


Step by Step to Make Pizza Dough

Preparation of ingredients

To begin with, it's essential to ensure that all the ingredients are at room temperature and properly measured. Here's a list of the ingredients you'll need:

  • 500g ‘00’ wheat flour
  • 325ml warm water (about 37°C)
  • 10g salt
  • 5g sugar
  • 7g dry yeast (or 20g fresh yeast)
  • 20ml extra virgin olive oil

Make sure the water is lukewarm, but not too hot, to activate the yeast without killing it. Measure all the ingredients accurately to ensure the consistency of the dough

Mixing and Kneading: Techniques and Timing

Initial mixing: Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the warm water in a large bowl. Leave to stand for about 5 minutes, until a foam begins to form on the surface, indicating that the yeast is active.

Adding flour: Gradually add the flour to the yeast mixture, stirring constantly to incorporate. It's useful to add the flour in parts, mixing well between each addition.

Add salt and olive oil: When the flour is almost all incorporated, add the salt and olive oil. Mix until the dough begins to form and detaches from the sides of the bowl.

Kneading: Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and start kneading. Use the fold and push technique, using the base of your hands. Knead for about 10-15 minutes until the dough is smooth, elastic and slightly sticky.

First Fermentation: Duration and Ideal Conditions

Preparation for Fermentation: Place the dough in a bowl lightly greased with olive oil and cover with a damp cloth or cling film

Fermentation: Leave the dough to ferment in a warm, draught-free place for about 1 to 2 hours, or until it has doubled in size. The ideal temperature for fermentation is between 24°C and 27°C.

Dough Folding: How and Why

First dubbing: After the first fermentation, remove the dough from the bowl and place it on a lightly floured surface. Flatten it slightly with your hands and fold it into three parts, as if you were folding a letter.

Why fold: This process helps to strengthen the structure of the dough by redistributing the yeast and gases produced during fermentation, resulting in a lighter, airier texture

Second Fold: Repeat the folding process once more, if necessary, to ensure a good structure in the dough.

Second Fermentation: What to Watch

Preparation for the Second Fermentation: Put the folded dough back in the bowl, cover again and leave to ferment for another 30 minutes to 1 hour. This extra time allows the dough to develop even more flavour and texture.

Note: During the second fermentation, observe the texture and elasticity of the dough. It should be softer and more expanded. The dough is ready for use when you press lightly with a finger, the indentation remains and the dough slowly returns.

Fermentation Tips

Ideal Temperature

Temperature is a crucial factor in the fermentation of pizza dough. The ideal temperature for fermentation is between 24°C and 27°C. In this range, the yeast works efficiently, producing gases that make the dough rise and develop its characteristic texture. If the temperature is below 24°C, fermentation will be slower. Above 27°C, there is a risk that the yeast will work too quickly or even die, jeopardising the structure of the dough.

Fermentation Time and How to Adjust It

The fermentation time can vary depending on the temperature and the recipe. In general, the first fermentation should last between 1 and 2 hours. If the environment is colder, it may take a little longer. To adjust the fermentation time:

Cold environment: Place the dough in an unplugged oven with a bowl of hot water to create a warm environment.

Warm environment: Ferment the dough in a cooler place or reduce the fermentation time to prevent the dough from expanding too much.

How to tell if the dough is ready

To check if the dough is ready:

Finger test: Press down lightly on the dough with a finger. If the indentation remains and the dough slowly returns to its place, it's ready for the next step.

Volume: The dough should have doubled in size and be light and airy.

Dough modelling

Techniques to open the dough

Preparation: Lightly dust the work surface with flour to prevent the dough from sticking.

Initial training: Gently press the dough with your fingers to form a disc.

Stretch the dough: Using both hands, work from the centre to the edges, stretching the dough carefully. You can also lift the dough and use your fists to stretch it in a circular motion.

Tips for Avoiding Tears and Achieving the Desired Thickness

Softness: Be gentle when handling the dough to avoid tears. If the dough tears, gently bring the edges together and continue stretching.

Uniformity: Work from the centre to ensure that the thickness is uniform. The ideal thickness depends on the style of pizza you want, but generally ranges from 3 to 5 mm.

Rest: If the dough shrinks while you're stretching it, let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes before continuing. This allows the gluten to relax.

Shapes and Sizes: Different Pizza Styles

Pizza Napolitana: Thin dough with slightly thicker edges, usually round in shape.

New York pizza: Thin, flexible dough, easy to fold in half.

Chicago pizza (Deep Dish): Massa grossa e alta, formando uma espécie de “prato” para os recheios.

Perfect cooking

Preparing the Oven: Temperature and Preheating

Preheating: Preheat the oven to maximum temperature, usually between 250°C and 275°C, for at least 30 minutes. This ensures that the oven is hot enough to cook the pizza quickly and evenly.

Positioning: Place the pizza stone or tray on the bottom shelf of the oven during preheating to accumulate heat.


Use of pizza stones or trays

Pedra de Pizza: The pizza stone retains and distributes the heat evenly, providing a crispy crust. Place the pizza directly on the stone with the help of a peel.

Board: If you don't have a pizza stone, use a preheated baking tray. Place the pizza on baking paper to make it easier to transfer.

Cooking times and signs that the pizza is ready

Cooking time: The baking time varies between 10 and 15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the dough and the temperature of the oven.

Visual Signs: The crust should be golden and crispy, and the cheese should be melted and slightly bubbling.

Crust test: Lift the edge of the pizza to check the base. It should be firm and lightly browned.

Final Tips and Tricks

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid ThemDough Too Hard or Too Sticky: The texture of the dough should be soft and slightly sticky, but not to the point where it sticks to your hands. If the dough is too hard, add small amounts of water, a little at a time. If it's too sticky, add a little more flour.

Insufficient fermentation: Fermentation is crucial for developing flavour and texture. Make sure the dough doubles in size during fermentation. If the dough doesn't ferment enough, the pizza will be dense. Let the dough rest in a warm, draught-free place.

Oven insufficiently heated: An insufficiently heated oven results in an undercooked pizza with a soft crust. Preheat the oven to maximum temperature for at least 30 minutes before baking the pizza.

Torn dough when stretched: Stretching the dough too tightly can tear it. Be gentle and let the dough rest if it's too elastic. Use the technique of stretching from the centre to the edges.

Excess Coverage: Putting on too much topping can prevent the dough from cooking properly and result in a soggy pizza. Use toppings sparingly and distribute them evenly.

How to store pasta

Refrigeration: If you want to use the dough within 24 to 48 hours, you can refrigerate it. Place the dough in a bowl greased with olive oil, cover with cling film and store in the fridge. Before using, let the dough come to room temperature for about 1 hour.

Freezing: To store the dough for a longer period, you can freeze it:

Preparation: Divide the dough into individual portions and form into balls.

Storage: Wrap each dough ball in cling film and place in a freezer bag. Remove as much air as possible before sealing.

Defrosting: When you want to use the dough, transfer it to the fridge and leave it to defrost overnight. Before rolling it out, let it come to room temperature.

Add flavours and ingredients to the dough

Herbs and Spices: Add extra flavour to your pasta by incorporating dried herbs such as oregano, basil or garlic powder during the initial mixing.

Grated cheese: Mix Parmesan cheese or other grated hard cheese into the dough to add a rich, salty flavour.

Olives and garlic: Small pieces of olives or chopped garlic can be incorporated into the dough for an explosion of flavour.

Chilli pepper: For a pasta with a spicy touch, add a pinch of chilli flakes or crushed chillies.

Alternative Flour: Try replacing some of the wheat flour with alternative flours, such as spelt or wholemeal, for a different flavour profile and additional nutritional benefits.


Making the perfect pizza dough at home is a process that involves attention to detail and patience, but the results are worth it. Here's a summary of the key steps to ensuring exceptional pizza dough:

Preparation of ingredients: Measure all the ingredients accurately and make sure they are at room temperature.

Mixing and kneading: Mix the ingredients in the correct order and knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic.

First fermentation: Leave the dough to rest in a warm place until it doubles in size, which usually takes between 1 and 2 hours.

Folding the dough: Fold the dough to strengthen its structure and improve its texture.

Second fermentation: Allow the dough to ferment a second time to develop additional flavour and lightness.

Mass modelling: Stretch the dough carefully, avoiding tears and keeping an even thickness.

Perfect cooking: Preheat the oven to maximum temperature and use a pizza stone or baking tray to obtain a crispy crust.

Now that you know the steps to making the perfect pizza dough, we encourage you to experiment and personalise the recipe at home. Add your favourite ingredients, such as herbs, spices or cheeses, to create a pizza that reflects your personal taste.

The beauty of homemade pizza lies in its versatility and the ability to adapt the recipe to your preferences. Don't be afraid to experiment with different flours or cooking techniques to find the perfect combination.

Discover Pizzeria O Forno do Fraser

If you're looking for additional inspiration or want to savour a handmade pizza made with the same attention to detail that you put into your homemade recipe, we invite you to visit Pizzaria O Forno do Fraser. Localizada na bela Praia de Carvoeiro, Algarve, oferecemos uma experiência gastronómica única com a nossa massa artesanal e ingredientes frescos de alta qualidade.

Book your table now and come and try our handmade dough, carefully prepared by our owner and pizzaiolo, João Sá. Enjoy a cosy atmosphere and authentic flavours that only a true artisan pizzeria can offer. Click here to book.
